
Password management: how I managed to sort it once and for all

We all had our journey that led to the way we manage passwords and we all know that unfortunately is not an easy task: with time the security requirements are continuously increasing as well as the number of services we use. It's impossible to remember all of those codes, and using our own ideated patterns is not necessarily making them more secure. Password management tools How we all started We started with our email password: what do we choose? Generally, the first choice is our pet's name, or our date of birth and so on, passwords easy to attack in different ways. Today's automatic security checks tell us if the password we are choosing is not secure enough, give you some hints (or even constraints) on how to edit it, making them suddenly become something complicated and difficult to remember. In the meantime, more and more services come up: Facebook, your wifi at home, the bank with so many codes, the pin on our mobile phone and on our credit cards and so on. Also, don

The importance of a complete toolbox

I've been thinking for years on what is the kind of contribution that I could give, what's valuable in my knowledge that could be shared with other people. I have set up this infrastructure (website, blog, social media pages) to put down some of these concepts that are wondering in my head in a way that is reachable for all my contacts and for other curious people, and what naturally happened is that I started to list some tools I use. So why are tools so important? Let's start from the origin of this passion. Since I was a kid, I had a propensity for manual activities, I loved Lego and Meccano , plus I remember my father always bringing me to help him with various electric, hydraulic and all kinds of manual jobs. I quickly realised how using the proper tools can make life much easier: tighten a nut with the right wrench, rather than with some plies, and the job will be much easier; use a tractor to plough the land: it will be much faster than doing it by hand. Once my pas

Sulla vita e sulla morte

Ad un certo punto dellla nostra vita ci troviamo tutti nella situazione di perdere una persona a noi cara. Questo è ovviamente un momento critico: la quantità e intensità di emozioni che ci attanagliano può rivelarsi travolgente. Situazioni di questo tipo sono così intense da farci arrivare a realizzare concetti importanti: il valore dei rapporti interpersonali, a cosa dare priorità nella nostra vita, come alllocare il nostro tempo. Su questo tema c'è di certo un quantitativo immenso di letteratura, è dopotutto un argomento che tocca l'unmanità da sempre. Ciò nonostante ho intenzione di scrivere la mia opinione a riguardo, un pensiero che ho maturato durante gli anni e che proprio nei momenti in cui si sono spente persone a cui tenevo si è mostrato più vividamente. Prima di tutto cominciamo dal momento più triste: il momento della perdita di una persona cara. Perché questo ci causa tristezza? Il fatto che non possiamo più condividere momenti assieme, discutere dei nostri argome

Let's start

I've recently decided to go ahead with an old project of mine, that is about keeping a constant feed of links and inputs for the people I know, in a way that everyone could follow. This brought on several challenges, as different people use different platforms, I have some content posted over the years in different places, and it's always quite overwhelming thinking of reorganising everything and have a properly structured, indexed list of topics and articles that I want to share. I, therefore, decided that I would take another approach: I'll start posting in parallel on my different profiles:        using  Buffer .    The content will be spacing from Education and self-development, to Technology, to philosophy but I'd expect even more fields to be touched.   I like to try new tools, for example, I tried to write  this post on , that I knew for years, and I think it didn't get the fame that it deserves as it allows to create an entire website embedde